In the eighth floor of Adobe’s West Tower at HQ, you’ll find a striking new wall painting. It’s not just a work of art—it’s a real-life example of the power of Adobe Research’s WetBrush.

The wall design was created in collaboration by Lacey Engelke, Global Workplace Designer, and Daichi Ito, one of Adobe's Sr. Research Scientist/Engineers using WetBrush, an innovative technology featured at Adobe MAX in 2016 and at the San Jose Tech Museum.
How does WetBrush help artists create cool paintings like the new one at Adobe? It is a physics simulation of the thousands of bristles in a brush, and the millions of particles of pigment in the paint itself. This technique mimics the interaction the pigment has with each individual bristle and models the brush shape, friction, and interaction with the surface of the canvas. The result for the digital artist is an organic, expressive stroke that responds more naturally to the angle, pressure, and length of the brush’s movement.

Upon entering the vast break room on the newly renovated West Tower 8 at Adobe HQ, you’re greeted the very first digitally painted wallpaper produced by Adobe designers with our very own Adobe Wetbrush. The Adobe West Tower art was printed directly onto wallpaper. Art made with WetBrush can also be 3D printed, reproducing the peaks and valleys of each brush stroke.